2 min readNov 20, 2022


Attitude is Everything Summary Part 1

You can dream it, you can do it!

I read this quote in the book — Attitude is Everything. I have seen the book on so many pages on Instagram, and judging by the title, I felt it was a little overrated. But then as I read the book I understood the hype. Surely said don’t judge a book by its cover (or title😅)

The main motto of the book 📖 is to take you from a negative attitude to a positive attitude in terms of your thinking, words, then in actions.

In the introduction of the book, the author, Jeff, first makes us believe that we can achieve anything we desire. If you think you can change yourself then you can change yourself, if you don't then you can’t!

Believing that you can change yourself is the key to actually changing yourself, if you don't believe you won’t take any action and just sit there victimizing yourself! So indeed positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow!

Now as you try to change there are going to be certain people opposing your change, and not all of them want your bad. But sometimes you need to go against the people you love, and take some bold moves in your life to make progress in life!

As you start believing that you can achieve your goal and start committing yourself to stick to the goal, ready to face the difficulties, you will start attracting the situations, and people to help you achieve your goals.

Think… Speak… Act… in a way to get positive results

Part 1: Success begins in the mind (Part 2 of this summary)

Part 2: Watch your words (Part 3 of this summary)

Part 3: Heaven helps those who Act (Part 4 of this summary)

